Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Green Bargello Quilt

Here I have all the fabrics just back from the store and ready to be pre-shrunk. I had to lay them out in order and take a picture because this pattern is really a stickler about being kept in order and I couldn't trust myself to remember.

Two of these fabrics didn't make the final cut. I will probably use them in another quilt some day.

And this is my cat, Onyx. She will be telling the story from now on.

I have a perfectly good bed which I like. I spend a lot of the time in it. Yeah, it is old and ugly, even dirty, but I like it anyway. Except to add insult SHE put it beside a WIP that is RED! I don't like red, see that look on my face? Come on!

Ahhh... This is much better. Room to stretch out. And doesn't it bring out the green in my eyes?

What do you mean, there is another cat bed behind me? Where? I don't see it.

Here I can roll over...

...and take a bath.

I think these orderly strips should really be a little more mussed up, but SHE objected.

See, without my help SHE couldn't have done this.

This is where I sleep at night. I can't wait to see how warm it will be.


...and closer.

A corner here showing the new stitch that SHE was playing with on HER machine. It kinda goes with the whole theme of this quilt, being leaves and leafy.

Okay, it doesn't really match my eyes.

Now will you go away?

I can't find MY quilt.

SHE had the audacity to give it away before I could even sleep under it.

I want a green collar.



At 1/24/2008 2:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cat could sense that you were more interested in that quilt than you were in catering to her :) You need more quilting-process entries!

At 1/25/2008 11:16 AM, Blogger knitterykate said...

Get her a green colar!

Cute post. She needs to do more of them.

At 1/25/2008 11:16 AM, Blogger knitterykate said...


At 1/26/2008 4:28 PM, Blogger knitterykate said...

By the way, the quilt is striking!

At 1/28/2008 5:34 PM, Blogger ioi said...

Wow! what do you do with all of these beutiful quilts?!! I think I need to come visit you and learn how to make quilts.


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