The night after Brig died was also the night for a total lunar eclipse (8/28/07, 2:52 am). It's kinda reddish, it should have been a BLUE moon. Because of the day and all, En called it the "BrigaMoon". She texted me to remind me so I got my camera and headed out on the balcony. It faces north, the moon was south. I needed a tripod or something to steady my hand since I didn't have time to relearn how to change the exposure settings as the eclipse was already in progress. So I headed downstairs to go out front. Da doesn't sleep very soundly, so I was being quiet, trying not to disturb him. I didn't turn any lights on, either. Then... I missed the last step and went sprawling on the tile entry floor. In spite of my stealth, the clattering of the camera woke Da as it lost its batteries all across the room. Stunned, I just lay face down on the tile for a bit. I can't remember the last time I fell so well. (I think it was when I was pregnant with En.) Us handicapped people NEED lights.
In the end, I got some pictures but the camera kept losing the date/time and turning itself off. It will cost too much to repair so I think I will be getting a new one soon.
Today is a week after my fall and my knees are a nice shade of BLUE. The right one is still all puffy and swollen and gooshy and gross. It doesn't hurt, though. I will survive.
Sometimes there is a small comfort in just staying there on the ground. I fell ice-skating and pulled my shoulder badly. Not only couldn't I get up, I couldn't care less. I just stayed down and watched the others whiz by for a while.
I suppose you could call me the Queen of many times I have fallen, ungraciously, that now I am very, very careful maneuvering with my walker. All those handles Kedge had installed in my room and the bathroom are a real help.
I'm so sorry you fell! You are right in time for the blue-sapphire of September! But, I want to see something you are working on craft-wise! I've got mine but have not posted yet. Just got back from Denver yesterday night.
You fell like that when you were pregnant with me? Well, that explains a lot... ;)
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