Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Molten Lava

See how big that sun is? That is why it has been so hot. The sun has come closer than ever to the earth and is in the process of melting it to molten lava. This picture is proof.

Even the rain could not cool down the poor earth. It only made it more miserable for us inhabitants. The person taking this picture (me) was trying to stay out of the rain and the thermometer said 105 degrees. I did not want to get scalded! It cooled down to 75 degrees and then was right back up there in a matter of minutes only lots more humid. When I got back inside you couldn't tell I had not been out in the rain.

Eewww, yucky, sticky skin.

(Click on the picture and get the larger version to see what I'm talking about.)


At 7/25/2006 10:56 PM, Blogger knitterykate said...

What a beautiful sunset! Too bad your earth melted but I think it was worth it.

It's hot here too, but not nearly as bad as you have had there in CA. We heard it's been up to 126 degrees F!

At 7/26/2006 12:05 AM, Blogger HotRodHanna said...

Great picture! Smoke from the fires gives us awesome sunsets during the summer. Its been 116 with 59% humidity out here. yuck. but at least its a beautiful evening!

At 7/26/2006 2:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautiful stickiness :) at least here it's cooled off

At 7/26/2006 7:46 AM, Blogger Kedge said...

I have to keep the A/C on all night now, Mom's been having nighmares.

At 7/26/2006 10:08 AM, Blogger Gramma said...

Sad to say, I didn't even look at the sunset last night. That would mean opening the front door (the west side is hot). Been using AC night and day. I don't ever remember it being this hot. It was pretty bad in Williamsport the summer I was pregnant with Dan...then I took a shower every hour.


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