Friday, July 14, 2006

Bro wants a piece of the action

Hey, hey, hey! Snutch aka Dump City of America aka doughboy aka your bro wants in on the action. In a round about way, through our techno-phobe expert Kedge, he requested a blog be set up for him and so it shall be. Check out the link to the right and if there is nothing but a test entry get on his case, okay?

Now, let's get to work on Ladybug and Chuggy.

A family that blogs together, globs together.


At 7/14/2006 8:04 AM, Blogger knitterykate said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 7/14/2006 8:07 AM, Blogger knitterykate said...

Whoops! That last comment may have seemed objectional by some readers! I hit a wrong button and as I was proof reading I realized my error. So sorry. Here's the same message without the mistake.

Cool! Keep on ragging. (Do I sound like I was born in the 50's?)

At 7/14/2006 8:49 AM, Blogger SAJ said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! This will be soooooo great! I can't wait to see if he will really do it. The stories he will tell! I'm swooning in anticipation... Maybe he'll do phone in blogs and sing us some songs... "birds eat and eat and eat..."

I miss you Uncle Snutch! You're the Bomb Aunt J for getting the family to glob together. :)

At 7/14/2006 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my mom's got a sense of humor :)

At 7/14/2006 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'only problem... Snutch isn't actually home-on-the-range right now.

He's currently making guest appearances at various locations in the north-west to promote the arrival of his two new grandsons.

-J / J3H

At 7/14/2006 7:28 PM, Blogger Kedge said...

He'll more likely sing to us about dead-eye the one eyed cowboy. Or about;
There once was a sister named Sue,
Who wanted to go to the zoo...

I'd better stop now, my life depends on it.

At 7/14/2006 7:35 PM, Blogger Kedge said...

BARON!!!???What's this? Barbarian I can remember, Carrion I remember, Squirt, Runt, Pest, Spot, Possesser of Demons, (I was exorcized once, by a sibling) too. Where did Baron come from?

At 7/14/2006 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't post anonymously on your brother's blog, and I don't have a blog userid, so I will say Hi! here and hope he sees it.

Bill (& Ruth)

At 7/15/2006 12:09 AM, Blogger Jailgy said...

ooops. I will go fix that right now.


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