The color of January is GARNET
If Knittery can post on the last day of January with her garnet colored project and get away with it, then so can I.
Since my Green Bargello quilt can in no way be construed as resembling a garnet for the month of January, I will have to do something I am adverse to do. I will have to publish a picture of a quilt before the intended recipient gets it.

This is how most of my quilts start--lots and lots of strips. This one has two sets of garnet-y color so I am forgiven (by me) for doing August's color in January. This will also be all you get to see until after I give it away in March.
I did finish a garnet colored project, too, but I, as is so often the case, forgot to take a picture of it before giving it away. Just imagine a deep, red, fleecy blanket with Chuggy's initials, will you?
Labels: quilts