I've seen topiaries around at various gardens and they look kind of nice as a focal point or something. When I see one at the store, however, it always says "too expensive" for what it is, just a pruned bush, but I have one now and it wasn't expensive at all.
A few days after a neighborhood garage sale, I went out in the front yard. I rarely do that anymore because the dogs are getting too old to go for walks and if I'm going out, it is usually in the car and I don't touch the yard. This time, though, I had to go and put away the bikes and lawn spreader that I had tried to sell at that big garage sale. I had left them out hoping that someone would just help themselves and get them off my hands. My part in that garage sale was a dismal failure. My sister, Sue, is a master at them, I'm not.
I digress. Nobody was kind enough to take the stuff, but there, tossed on the lawn, was a decrepit odd thing. The pot looked like it had been shredded by a weed whacker and the chicken wire cage was just hanging onto the pot by a little wire. The ailing plant was not inside either the cage or the pot. Its roots were all exposed and dried out, but it was attached, somehow. I lovingly brought the contraption to my potting bench and proceeded to salvage what I could. New pot, fresh dirt, some "nyeting" and lots of water and I have my very own topiary! For free! I think it will survive. Somebody must have thought that my house looked like a place that would care for orphan plants. It is.